суббота, 26 марта 2016 г.

Raised Beds With (almost) No Nails

I find that I have much greater sucess growing fruit, veg and flowers in raised beds. They also have the distinct advantage of not having to bend down so far (we're not getting any younger here people) The basic construction of my raised beds is the same watever shape they are. So this is how I do it!

Gather your materials:-
All I generally use is 6x2 timber in 6m lengths (now I use pressure treated H4 building timber and some people say what about the chemicals etc, my answer is that if you google it there is no evidence that the chemicals will leech into the soil and in any case I line with plastic on completion
The only tools you need for this are a circular saw (and if you have one, a chop saw) and a chisel, you could do the whole thing with a handsaw if you wanted - it would just take longer!

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

So I mark out where my joins are and cut several cuts with ny circular saw to approx 1/4 of the wood depth (so 1.5 inches in this case)

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

This is then cleaned out with a chisel (you can also drag the circular saw side to side to smooth the bottom of the cut (using it a bit like a plane))
Wear eye protection and ear muffs!

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

Rinse - Repeat at both ends of all pieces

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

Assemble! as I am doing this one a a slope I have leveled with bricks, but the principle is exactly the same.
You will need pieces cut in half long ways for 2 of the ends (I made it the shortest ends (the bed is 6m x 3m)

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

The vey top layer is a 6x2 on its side (this gives a handy perch for sitting when planting weeding etc)
I did a half lap joint at each end and nailed these ito position with 4 inch nails

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

And there it is, just need to line and fill it! It is 6mx3m and averages 500mm deep so 9 cubic meters of soil --easy peasy lemon squeezy!

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

I generally use stock feed bags to line (they are woven plastic similar to weedmat -- but FREE) You don't have to line them if you don't want but anything to give the wood longevity (ie I'm not going to build them again!)

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

This was one of my first ones, in a noughts and crosses grid (or Tic-Tac-Toe I think you Americans call it) same principle but a few more joints.
This gives five 2mx2m beds, which are about as big as you can reach across for weeding, picking etc comfortably without climbing in. So 2 cubic meters of soil in each.
We have Strawbwerries x 2, Asparagus, Melons and Cucumbers in it this year.
Paved in between to make it prettier.
We weedmat the top then mulch usung macadamia nut shells (a waste product from the macadamia farm down the road, that retains moisture and stops us having to water too often

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

Just a pic of the same area a couple of years on -- I have also put in beds at the side and end of the pool (these are 2m x1m due to space limitations)

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

And one the other direction showing general layout and some of my other projects (shed/modular seating/firepit) which can be found on my profile or direct links here

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

raised beds with almost no nails, diy, gardening, raised garden beds, woodworking projects

Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/11995995/raised-beds-with-almost-no-nails site

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