понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

How to Care for a Poinsettia

Caring for a poinsettia can be challenging. Getting it to re-flower even more so. Here are a few pointers.

Somewhat ironically, this Christmas favourite is a tropical plant. Your potted poinsettia was most likely to have been grown in a greenhouse where the temperatures ranged between 60-70 degrees F.
To keep your poinsettia healthy after the holidays you will need a warm, sunny window that best mimics the warm greenhouse where it was grown. Make sure your plant does not touch the cold window pane. It is also a good idea to avoid placing your poinsettia in a spot where there is the likelihood of a cold draft.

how to care for a poinsettia, flowers, gardening, how to

Check to soil in the pot frequently to make sure the plant is not dry. When you water your poinsettia, make sure the soil is evenly wet. Apply a water soluble fertilizer once or twice a month.
If you fail to water your plant enough the leaves will drop. If you water it too much, the leaves will turn yellow and drop.

how to care for a poinsettia, flowers, gardening, how to

The stems of poinsettias have a milk sap that can be irritating to skin. If you get any of the sap on your skin, wash it off right away.

how to care for a poinsettia, flowers, gardening, how to

In February, you will probably notice that the flowers have begun to fade and new side shoots have appeared. Cut back the old flowering stems to about 6 inches leaving one of two leaves on each stem. Sadly, this may make it look a bit homely for a while. New growth should appear mid-spring. Repot your poinsettia as necessary.
A poinsettia can move outside once all danger of frost is passed and temperatures are warm. Choose a location in the garden that has light shade. Keep an eye on the soil and make sure the plant does not dry out.
Mid-summer pinch the plant back a couple of inches to avoid leggy growth.
Well before fall frosts strike, bring your plant back indoors. Again, place it in a sunny window and fertilize it every other week. Days with shortened hours of sunlight are necessary for a poinsettia to re-bloom. At the end of September, move the plant to a warm spot that is in total darkness from 5pm to 8 am each day. When the colourful bracts, that we think of as flowers, appear sometime in November move the plant back to a sunny window.
Have you had success with keeping your poinsettia healthy and happy? Please share your tips with other Hometalkers.

how to care for a poinsettia, flowers, gardening, how to

Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/12231649/how-to-care-for-a-poinsettia site

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